04 June 2009

Warlocks Are REAL?! WTF?!

Every now and again, you come across an image that is more glorious than words, more profound than science, and more iconic than Kirk. What you see above is just such an image, an image that penetrates your soul, and answers questions never before asked. 

I found this on a site provided to me by my good friends at Fist of Blog (see sidebar). This is the real deal people. Before your eyes, is a mother loving Warlock!

My entire life, I always thought that Warlock's were something you read about it in really bad comic books, cheesy fantasy novels, and were the ire of the game master's master game plan. Sure, the idea of a Warlock was always pretty badass. Like the way that the idea of She-Ra is pretty badass. She-Ra naked, of course. 

Warlocks cast spells and nut sack crazy stuff like shoot lighting bolts out of their friggin' eyes, or destroying realms and kingdoms in Central Europe, with the occasional stopover in Cornwall. Warlocks will nut in your face, and poof! do a magic trick to have a bat clean it up out of thin air. Warlocks were always better than witches in the fact they didn't need a cauldron to call upon the dark forces, but they had a whole volcano mountain to do their dirty in.

Of course, this was all fun and games. Warlocks weren't real. Never could be. Never will be.

That is... until I saw the above image. Then my whole world came crashing down into a gabble of reality that caused me to spill my beverage. 

I don't know who this Warlock was trying to trick, but he is without doubt a Warlock, man. Look at his Familiar! Those damn cat eyes looking out at an inanimate object. Black as night, black as evil. Only Warlocks are evil enough to take a picture with their Familiar, and this Warlock is certainly no exception. 

Then there is the Warlock himself. Notice the aura around his curly mop of fro. The penetrating stare, so benign it's evil. I image his voice is a booming microphone of power, throbbing with intensity. It's like he's trying to blend in, but he can't fool a trained eye.

In conclusion, if you see a Warlock, run. Don't walk. Don't try and be sly. He will know you have sabotaged his espionage, and he will swallow your soul. I don't know what else I need to say to convince you. All I know is that there is a freaking Warlock with his freaking Familiar, staring into the vastness of freaking space!

And to think, some glamour photographer got to capture it. All I could imagine is that he/she bumped their assistant and whispered, "Dude. Warlock."

1 comment:

  1. Dude -

    It's you if you curled your hair. We should do it one of these days for a photo shoot.
